Friday, August 24, 2012

Backyard Screen Porch Addition & Kitchen Renovation Part 2

A&E Construction has been efficiently working on this Pennington home renovation! Since the last post, the excavated soil has been reused for backfill, the pre-existing shrubbery saved for replantation, and any unneeded material removed to keep the site clean and safe. The concrete slab foundation has been poured and set in order to support the new porch. Afterward, the rough framing structure was put into place. Lastly, an interior wall has been removed and replaced with a beam and new metal flitch plate (last picture below) to open up the kitchen area. Keep up with the A&E Construction blog to continue this renovation process with us! If you missed the first post, click here.

Concrete slab with rough framing structure.

Employees hard at work renovating 
the kitchen area

One of A&E's best working on the beam.

The newly installed beam with metal flitch plate 
where the old kitchen wall used to be.

Don't forget to check out the first post by clicking here if you missed it!


  1. The people are working very hard for this renovation. I think this would produce a very great result. Thanks!

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  5. This is awesome work. I have read the article and it seems to me very innovative indeed. Want to really see some more update here. Keep it up man.
